Main goal of this website is to provide accurate and interesting information about Soviet firearms development and production history. For this purpose website have reference section which is constantly updated and it is available to everybody. But there is another part of the website, that will be available only to people will have a subscription. Reference area provides free information to wide range of interested people, while paid section is designated for people who have passion to history and want to have access to much deeper level of research.
The proceeds of the small cost of subscription will go towards conducting further archival research, which are quite expensive for a single person. Crowdfunding will allow for the possibility to pull currently undiscovered, dust covered archival documents with valuable information. That information will be analyzed, excerpts will be provided to the subscribers. Buying a subscription, you will have access to the additional content on the website, depending from the suscription plans, which are listed below.
Choose your pricing plan
- 1.99$Every monthFor people interested in history
- • get access to main blog posts
- • become a part of the research, funding new discoveries
- 4.99$Every monthFor collectors
- • access to the additional collectors focused posts, namely:
- - details about markings ;
- - details about production processes ;
- - advanced knowledge about areas covered in reference.
- • opportunity to get consultations from the experts:
- - ask question about Soviet gear/firearms items you own;
- - get advices related to further purchaces (price, rarity).